Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQs

  • What exactly is Smell Checkmate?

Smell Checkmate is a mobile app designed to help people discreetly receive feedback on their personal hygiene, including body odor, breath, and even attitude. We aim to promote awareness about these important aspects without causing embarrassment.

  • How does Smell Checkmate actually work?

People you interact with can use the app to provide anonymous ratings about your hygiene and smell. You then receive notifications containing these ratings. It's a simple way to learn if there are areas where you might need some extra attention.

  • Why would I want to use Smell Checkmate?

Smell Checkmate is great for several reasons! It helps with:

Boosting confidence: Know for sure that you smell good.

Personal improvement: Discreetly address things that may need tweaking.

Reducing anxiety: No more wondering about your smell.

Professional success: Hygiene is key to making a great impression.

  • Is my privacy protected?

Absolutely! Smell Checkmate takes privacy very seriously. Ratings are completely anonymous, and you decide if or when to share your results. Plus, we use strong security measures to protect your data.

FAQs For Individuals

  • How much does it cost?

Smell Checkmate is a free mobile application

  • Is there a way to see who rated me?

No. To ensure honesty and protect feelings, ratings remain totally anonymous.

  • What if I get negative ratings?

Don't stress! It is only you who can see your profile :) See it as an opportunity for growth. Take time to reflect and consider where you could make small changes to enhance your hygiene routine.

FAQs For Companies

  • How can Smell Checkmate benefit my company? Smell Checkmate enhances your company by:

Boosting employee morale: Confident employees make for a happier work environment.

Improving client interactions: Ensure your team leaves a positive impression.

Proactively addressing issues: Deal with potential hygiene concerns discreetly.

Gathering data: Gain insights to inform hygiene-related training within your company.

How do my employees start using Smell Checkmate? [Outline the process – e.g., providing download links, company-specific codes, etc.]

  • Can I get company-wide hygiene reports?

Yes! Smell Checkmate offers anonymized reports to help you identify trends and target areas for improvement within your organization.

grayscale photography of two people raising their hands
grayscale photography of two people raising their hands